Windows: -------- What is a window? A window is basically just a hole in a wall that you can look through into other areas. Windows can have no thickness, thus being just a single line, however they generally have thickness. Thus, your windows will usually have window sides, a window floor and window ceiling, so to speak. What this means is that the actual window area will be a seperate sector, with a higher floor height than the room, and a lower ceiling height. The window sides will get their texture from the sidedefs on single sided lines. 2-sided lines (the front and back of the window) will have no middle texture, allowing you to see through the window. The window floor will get it's texture from the window sector's floor texture, and the ceiling likewise. Since a window is just a 'hole' in the wall, you will probably want the upper and lower textures on the window wall to line up with the walls on either side of the window, so it looks like one continuous wall with a hole in it. This is done the easiest by unpegging the lower and upper textures. When you create a window, you will want to look through it. So, you must make the middle texture transparent. The upper and lower textures should match the texture used on the ajoining walls, so it appears to be one continuous wall. You must remember to